Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Snack Time for Bowser

Here's a nice slide show of what NOT to give your dog... as well as some tips for treats that are healthy. I learned a few... who knew nutmeg was toxic to dogs?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Dogs Talk!

Are you interested in what dogs have to say? Here's a fun quiz and some very informative videos. Not all dogs who wag their tails are happy to be petted... Check this out!

I have been a huge fan of Suzanne Hetts since first hearing her speak at a very early APDT seminar - Pheonix, AZ circa 1996. I am thrilled she's gotten into such a public position as this educational venture with PetSmart!

Take the quiz, and let me know how you do!
Email me at

Monday, July 27, 2009

Sunny July Puppy Field Trip!

Sensible Puppy class members and friends joined together last Saturday afternoon for a gorgeous day at Coxhall Gardens. After a lovely stroll to the Children's Garden, where we worked on leash manners and formal heeling, we played in the buildings, put puppies up on wooden benches and even met a few Dachshunds, passing by. We wandered over to the lake and startled a few dozen geese, and even a heron!
The puppies got to meet several children in our group, including two boys on bicycles. On the bridge over the lake, we met another dog, a pug, who was very curious about our group! The puppies got treats from bronze people-statues and splashed in the cascading water. We ended on the centerpiece, where we discussed strategies for overcoming typical and not-so-typical adolescent issues.
Don't miss out on next month's field trip, where we will visit an agility trial! See you soon!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Dogs Understand Pointing

Fun new research shows that a dog can understand certain pointing gestures as well as a two-year old child. No surprise to any of us who have tried directing our dogs that way through the thicket after a mis-thrown ball! Here's a short video clip about the research - my favorite line is the researcher's closing observations. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Report Cards

As part of my emphasis on good communication with my clients' veterinarians, I have developed a Sensible Puppy Class report card. Each week after class, I will make notations about your puppy's progress on all class assignments. When your 6-week course is completed, I will forward the report card to your veterinarian for your puppy's file. In this way, I hope to convey how well your puppy does in class and areas which may need further work. Not a client of Michigan Road Animal Hospital? No worries! I will happily mail your puppy's report card to your veterinarian. If you would like to view your puppy's report card, just ask.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Congratulations to the following puppies (and owners!) for passing the AKC STAR Puppy test: Annie -Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Bailey - Coton de Tulear, Dyce -Doodle, Gallant - French Bulldog, Hickory -All-American, Seagram - Weimaraner. As part of our June Field Trip last weekend, we held a STAR Puppy test, and these great little guys (and gals) were proud to show off their skills! Good job, everyone, for continuing the work that began in puppy class! You are walking examples of Sensible Puppy training!!

Mark your calendars for the fourth Saturday of every month and join us for upcoming field trips! Much fun is had by all!