Wednesday, May 18, 2011

National Dog Bite Prevention Week

It's National Dog Bite Prevention week and my colleague Madeline Gabriel in San Diego has written a wonderful blog that says so well what I would say to you, that I thought I would just post it here so you can copy and paste. (I was going to link it for you, but it appears that is beyond my rather limited technical abilities!)

Also, if you read part 2 of her message, you will be able to view simply the best dog-and-child training video I have ever seen. This is well worth watching and is under 7 minutes long. Have your child(ren) watch with you and then discuss the concepts.

Madeline makes this such an easy concept to pass along. The bottom line is that your child needs to ask 3 times before touching a dog.
1. Ask you, the parent for permission to ask the owner.
2. Ask the owner for permission to pet the dog.
3. Ask the dog if he wants to be petted.

Practice these ahead of time so that your child will become automatic when the desire comes up out in the real world. Your child is worth the investment of time and energy to work on dog bite prevention!