Thursday, January 15, 2009

Puppy Classes at Michigan Road Animal Hospital - Off to a Great Start!

Neither snow nor slush nor freezing winds kept four puppies and thirteen people from gathering last night at MRAH 96th Street for the first Sensible Puppy group class. We have a Labrador, a German Shepherd Dog, a Brittany Spaniel and a West Highland White Terrier. We had great puppy socialization with people wearing funny hats, puppy-to-puppy play, body language interpretation, and massage time. We worked on playing "Elevator", discussed great chewing toys and learned how to help a puppy overcome a fearful experience. Additionally, there were lots of potty breaks, personalized Q&A, and different surfaces to walk on. Everyone seemed to have a great time. The weather didn't deter us, and hopefully, four families are feeling better about reaching their puppy-training goals.

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