Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Puppy Head Start!

Sometimes raising a puppy seems more like a chore than a blessing. It's a lot of work, all that supervision and rewarding of proper behavior. For some people, an attractive option is to let a professional give your puppy a head start. That's why I am happy to announce a new service for my puppy clients. The Puppy Head Start program is where I bring your puppy home with me for one, two or three weeks. Your puppy will live with me and my family, in our home, until your goals are met. In that time, I will work on establishing patterns for proper potty training, provide great socialization outings and adventures with exposure to children, work on soft-mouth training and self-control exercises. In essence, your puppy will get all the love, care and devotion that my own puppies get. Unlike other trainers who provide boarding and training, our family is home all day most days, so your puppy won't be stuck in a crate, but instead will be learning good habits all day!

When you get your puppy home again, you will receive one full hour of private instruction for every week of training. So, if you board your puppy with me two weeks, you will get two lessons of instruction so that you can know what your puppy knows! Additionally, you will receive written information, customized for your particular puppy's needs. Potty training, leash manners, public greetings and playing nicely with children - that's a good Puppy Head Start! Call today if you would like more information about this unique service! 317-727-9015

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