Monday, April 11, 2011

Kids and Pets

I was playing the game, Doggone Crazy, last week with children from our church small group. (If you haven’t seen this game, check it out, here: ) The children, aged 8-12, were having a great time laughing their way through correct answers about dog body language, appropriate interactions with unfamiliar dogs and so forth. One question stumped them, though – it was a true or false question: T or F – Adults make better dog trainers than children. To my surprise, they all agreed that adults were better trainers – and they were wrong!

I have found children to be great trainers in my puppy classes and while working with families in homes. Give me a 10-year old with affection for the family dog, time to train and a pocket full of dog treats and I will give you a better trained dog and a happier household in 2 weeks. Children make excellent dog trainers!!

Safety rules and common sense still apply – if you have a dog with any aggression issues, don’t turn him over to your child for training, for goodness’ sake! However, if you just need Fido to come when called, go into his crate on cue, sit for greetings and learn a few parlor tricks, see if your responsible 9-14 year old child has any interest. Chances are, they will make great gains in just a few days. I believe children can do at least as well as their parents – and often they do even better!

I have recently launched a new child-directed program, teaching young people aged 12-18, how to begin their own pet sitting businesses because I believe that children have tremendous potential to do good for people and pets.

If you have a teenager or a nearly –teen, please visit and check out this great one-day learning opportunity! We are already found in 3 Indianapolis facilities. If you know a group of teens, you can set up your own class and receive one complimentary tuition!

Children never cease to amaze me with their potential. With a little direction, I hope to change the minds of children and help them realize just how talented they can be. I can’t wait to see what this year brings as children in the Indianapolis area become better dog trainers through Sensible K9 puppy classes and private lessons and start their own pet-sitting businesses after attending the Sensible Pet Sitter seminar! Look out, Indy – our kids are going to rock the pet world!

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