Monday, July 11, 2011

Easy Fix for Scary Things

Is your dog frightened by loud noise or thunder? Do you have a dog that seems particularly nervous in certain situations but not others? There may be a simple fix for you - that requires no training! My clients are reporting great results using the Thundershirt (

It took me a while to believe it, but after a colleague at Hound Table (our monthly meet-up of Indianapolis area dog professionals) reported good results, I took the plunge about a year ago and started carrying this product to offer to my clients.

My clients are saying that the Thundershirt works well, not only to calm their fearful dogs during our dramatic mid-west storms, but also during socially difficult situations where their dogs previously might use aggression. In other words, dogs seem to feel safer wearing the Thundershirt! I have worked with dogs that couldn't approach me during a consultation, even when I had food, but after the owner puts the Thundershirt on the dog, the dog bravely comes forward and eats the treat within a few minutes. It's truly remarkable.

If you would like to try a Thundershirt for your dog, you can order directly from their website, Or you can ask me to bring one to your next private lesson or class if you are a client.

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