Saturday, December 27, 2008

Turning my brain inside out

When I saw Suzanne Clothier at the APDT conference in Kentucky this fall, she spoke of "turning (her) brain inside out", trying to put into writing all the things she understood about people and their dogs. I know how she feels, having spent the greater part of today trying to put into words what I hope will be helpful for my puppy class clients.

How do I know what the puppy is saying? I can read him like a book. But, it's one thing for me to summarize, "Your puppy is feeling scared; help him out by encouraging him to move forward." and another thing entirely to list exactly what I am seeing (tight ears, wide eyes, pursed lips and arched back) and what I expect (bring a treat toward his nose and tease him a little with it, now toss it ahead of him and see if he'll think about going to get it.)

On top of that, one hopes it's interesting reading, and maybe funny, too. This takes time!
Good thing Panera Bread offers free refills and free WiFi. I think I have a new home office....

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